There is no known cure for the cold, commonly know as the flu; however over-the-counter drugs are able to bring some symptom relief or reduce the time of those symptoms. Here are some home-based remedies that can relieve the symptoms and make you feel better.

1. Blow Your Nose Frequently in the Right Way

It is good to blow your nose frequently when you have the flu rather than sniffling the mucus back into the head. However if you blow too hard, the pressure causes an earache. The correct way to blow the nose is to press a finger over one of your nostrils as you blow gently to clear the mucus in the other nostril. Wash your hands subsequent to blowing your nose.

2. Stay Rested

Resting down when you have a cold helps the body to direct its energies towards the immune fight. This fight taxes the body. Give the body a little aid by resting down under a blanket.

3. Gargle

Gargling is able to moisten a sore throat and brings temporary relief of the symptoms. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in warm water and the gargle with it four times on a daily bases. To lower the tickle in the throat, use an astringent gargle, like tea that has tannin, so as to tighten the membrane. Or you can use a highly, viscous gargle prepared with honey or a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey.  Put a teaspoon of raspberry leaves or lemon juice into two glasses of hot water then mix with a teaspoon of honey. Leave the mixture to cool to room temperature before gargling.  You should never give honey to kids under the age of one.

4. Drink Hot Liquids

Hot drinks ease nasal congestion. Help prevent dehydration, as well as relieve the painfully inflamed membranes that line your throat and nose.

5. Take a Steamy Shower

Steamy showers makes you feel relaxed and also moisturize your nasal passages. If you are dizzy from the cold, take a shower as you sit on a chair or take a sponge bath.

6. Apply Hot or Cold Packs around Your packed Sinuses

Hot or cold temperatures can assist you to feel more comfortable. You can purchase cold or hot packs from a drug store, or you can make your own. Take a washcloth, and then heat it for 1 minute in a microwave. First test the temperature to ensure that it is not scalding. Also you can take a little bag of frozen peas to use like a cold pack.

7. Sleep with an Additional Pillow Beneath Your Head

This helps in the drainage of the nasal passages. If the angle of the pillow is too uncomfortable, you can try to place the pillow between the box spring and the mattress to make a gradual slope.

8. Don’t Fly Unless Necessary

There is no need of adding stress to your respiratory system as it is already stressed up; this is what the change in air pressure from flying will definitely do. Flying with a cold congestion will hurt your eardrums as an outcome of the pressure adjustments when taking off and landing. When it is necessary that you have to fly carry a nasal spray to use before takeoff and landing. Chewing gum and swallowing repeatedly will also relieve pressure.

(Note, this article is for information purposes only and not meant to be medical advice. Please consult a medical expert for specific medical advice)